Make Money From Parking Packages
We generate over $25,000,000 of room and parking revenue for our Hotel Partners annually.
Unrivaled Exposure is top ranking in all major search engines for its niche market, benefiting our Hotel Partners with exposure they cannot find elsewhere.
No Upfront Costs
ParkSleepFly is free to join and our Hotel Partners do not pay for listings. Your only expense will be a fraction of the revenue you receive.
Greater Utilization of Inventory
ParkSleepFly packages offer our Hotel Partners a way to convert empty parking space into easy revenue. We also offer a Hotel Room Only option for those Hotel Partners who do not have idle parking space.
Working With Us Is Made Simple Through:
An easy to use Hotel Account Manager, where you can review reservations in real-time, set your room rates, manage your blackout dates, and easily update content and information for your hotel.
An unparalleled customer service team, which will work with you and travellers to find quick solutions to any problems that may arise.
Access to daily reports, which indicate the reservations that are scheduled to arrive that day, reservations that were made the previous day, and any reservation requests that are awaiting approval.