Hotel Packages
Shuttle Included
Secure Parking
Free Cancellation
Park at Hotel

Safely park your car at the hotel for your entire trip - at no extra cost.

Sleep Soundly

Stay at the hotel the night before or after your trip.

Shuttle to Airport

A shuttle will take you to the airport and pick you back up when you return.

Park Stay and Cruise hotels

Sorry, we do not have any hotels available.
(90%) 2 ratings
Park Sleep Fly - Today's Key Info For CHZ
Overall Rating: 90% Rating
Total Ratings:2 Total Ratings
Most Popular:The Charleston Airport Hotel
Closest to Cruise Port:The Charleston Airport Hotel
Most Reviewed:The Charleston Airport Hotel
Discover Charleston hotels with free cruise parking and shuttle here on We strive to provide the best Charleston park and cruise options on the web. All reservations made here are simple, easy, and 100% guaranteed.

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