Chicago Marriott O'Hare - ORD Airport
8535 West Higgins Road, Chicago,
IL 60631
4.4 Miles from ORD
{{ lot.rate_str }} per day
Free Cancellations
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Announcement from Chicago Marriott O'Hare:
Airport Shuttle service is running 24/7. Please come to the hotel 15 minutes prior to you the time you need to get on the shuttle. It is a 10-15 mins trip to the airport once the shuttle leaves the hotel. The shuttle will leave the hotel at the top and bottom of each hour. Example: 12:00 PM & 12:30 PM. The hotel is not responsible for theft, damage to your vehicle, or personal property. Please keep vehicle locked and do not leave valuables in your car.
Parking Lot Info
Parking Options:
{{ option }},
{{ lot.shuttle_option }}
Shuttle Hours: Open 24/7
{{ lot.ratings.rating | getRatingWord }} - {{ parseFloat(lot.ratings.rating).toFixed(1) }}/5
Based on {{ }} Reviews
Shuttle Service
Attendant Services
Lot Condition
Easy to Find
8535 West Higgins Road, Chicago,
IL 60631
Get Directions
{{ }}
{{ airport.fullname }}
Open 24/7
{{ amenity.friendly_name }}
Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the time you want to be at the airport. Drop luggage off under the canopy at the main entrance of the hotel. Please go into the hotel and check in at the front desk to receive your voucher.
Guest Reviews
Verified Booking
{{ }} - {{ review.submited.date_format_3 | longFriendlyDate }}
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{{ | truncate(30,'...') }}
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