Clarion Hotel Metro Detroit Airport - DTW Airport
8600 Merriman Rd, Romulus,
MI 48174
4.2 Miles from DTW
{{ lot.rate_str }} per day
Free Cancellations
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Parking Lot Info
Parking Options:
{{ option }},
{{ lot.shuttle_option }}
Shuttle Hours: Open 24/7
{{ lot.ratings.rating | getRatingWord }} - {{ parseFloat(lot.ratings.rating).toFixed(1) }}/5
Based on {{ }} Reviews
Shuttle Service
Attendant Services
Lot Condition
Easy to Find
8600 Merriman Rd, Romulus,
MI 48174
Get Directions
{{ }}
{{ airport.fullname }}
Open 24/7
{{ amenity.friendly_name }}
Please drive to the designated location and temporarily park at the front to check in at the front desk (this is mandatory). Have your vehicle information, including the license plate number, ready for check-in.
• The front desk will provide you with a printed ticket that must be displayed visibly on the dashboard of your vehicle.
• After parking, please wait in the lobby for the shuttle.
Guest Reviews
Verified Booking
{{ }} - {{ review.submited.date_format_3 | longFriendlyDate }}
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{{ | truncate(30,'...') }}
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