Holiday Inn Express & Suites Greensboro Airport Area - Greensboro Airport
{{ hotel.address.street }}{{ hotel.address.street2 ? ', ' + hotel.address.street2 : '' }}, {{ }}, {{ hotel.address.state?.code }} {{ hotel.address.zipcode }}
{{ hotel.overview.distance_to_airport.toFixed(1) }} Miles from {{ airport.code }}
${{ hotel.overview.prices.avg | roundToWholeDollar }}
Free Cancellations
${{ roomsRatesWithInfo[0].room_rate_highest | roundToWholeDollar }}
${{ roomsRatesWithInfo[0].room_rate_lowest | roundToWholeDollar }}
Free Cancellations
${{ hotel.overview.prices.avg | roundToWholeDollar }}
Parking & Shuttle Info
Parking: Included with Package
Airport Shuttle: To & From Hotel Included
Shuttle Hours: {{ }}
Shuttle Frequency: {{ }}
{{ }}
{{ hotel.overview.rating_by_customers.accurate | getRatingWord }} - {{ parseFloat(hotel.overview.rating_by_customers.accurate).toFixed(1) }}/5
Hotel Summary - Based On 19 Reviews | |
Room Comfort
4.6 |
4.5 |
Hotel Service
4.5 |
Shuttle Service
4.4 |
Booking Options
Room Type | Package Includes | Price | |
Recommended for you
{{ rate.bed_full_title }}Sleeps up to {{ rate.sleeps }} guests
{{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 }} {{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 | pluralize('Night') }} & {{ searchbox.parking }} {{ searchbox.parking | pluralize('Day') }} of Parking |
${{ totalRate[index] = % 1 === 0 ? : Math.ceil( }}
for {{ searchbox.rooms }} {{ searchbox.rooms | pluralize('Room') }}
for {{ searchbox.rooms }} {{ searchbox.rooms | pluralize('Room') }}
& {{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 }} {{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 | pluralize('Night') }} {{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 }} {{ searchbox.package == 'PSFS' ? 2 : 1 | pluralize('Night') }}
{{ option }} | Select dates for availability |
Safety Measures
Travelers will enjoy the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Greensboro Airport Area when staying the night in Greensboro. A ParkSleepFly reservation includes complimentary shuttle service to and from the Piedmont Triad International Airport, hotel parking and a daily hot breakfast.
Other amenities at the hotel include business and fitness centers, WiFi and wired internet, conference space, laundry facilities and an outdoor pool.
All rooms include a flat-screen TV with cable channels, microwave, a phone for local calls, microwave, desk, free WiFi and refrigerator.
Attractions and recreation local to the hotel include Greensboro Aquatic Center, Greensboro Coliseum Complex, Piedmont Triad Farmers Market, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Deep River Recreation Center, Pleasant Ridge Golf Course, Celebration Station Amusement Center and Jump-N-Fun. Dining options in the area consist of Thai Chiang Mai Restaurant, Speedy Gonzales Mexican Restaurant, Kaya Japanese Fast Food and Steak Street.
For a hotel experience that caters to the comfort and convenience for travelers, book a ParkSleepFly package with the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Greensboro Airport Area.
Included with Package
Airport Shuttle
To & From Hotel Included
Shuttle Hours
Shuttle Frequency
Shuttle Info
Checkin Instructions
Special Instructions
You Need to Know
Important Information
Check-In Time
Check-Out Time
Cancellation Policy
Parking Information
Guest Reviews
Verified Booking
{{ review.customer_name }} - {{ review.created_at | longFriendlyDate }}
Hotel's Response
{{ review.response_hotel }}
ParkSleepFly's Response
{{ review.response_psf }}