Why You Should Book That Early Morning Flight

We’ve all been there: You get to the airport a little late for your 5pm flight. Check-in and security lines are long, and you’re pretty tired by the time you make it to your gate, only to find out your flight has been delayed…. or worse, cancelled. And since it’s ‘rush hour’, the airport is in full swing.  There’s a line for everything and good luck finding a seat to rest while you wait.


The Best Time to Fly is in the Morning

If you want to avoid a delay, and an almost guaranteed headache, the best time to depart is the morning, and as early as possible.  Flights leaving before 7am have the least amount of delays. That’s early, we get it. For a 6:30am departure, you would have to arrive at the airport by 5am and leave for the airport even earlier. But the pros definitely outweigh the cons…


– Low chance for a delay. This is the time when the most flights leave on-time.  Airports have been able to catch up overnight and start with a clean slate in the morning.

– No lines. The afternoon rush is hours away, and that leaves small to no lines at check-in and security. You’ll breeze right though!

– Flights are cheaper. Early morning flights are less in demand, and, therefore, can be a cheaper option than the mid-afternoon flight. Some of us like to travel in comfort and are ready to pay for that but if you’re needing to save some money then an early morning flight can really pay dividends.

– Nicer weather in the morning, especially in the summer when afternoon thunderstorms are more likely to delay flights.

– First in the Queue. If your flight is cancelled, you get bumped, or you miss your flight, you will be first on the standby list to make the next flight out.


– Less Sleep. You may have to get up as early as 3am to make that first flight out. Even if you go to bed early, you most likely won’t clock more that 5hrs of shut-eye. Luckily, early morning flights are typically quieter, and you can catch some zzz’s on your flight to make up for what you lost.

– Early morning flights are not comfortable. You arrive so early, when transportation is not yet working and the security service has the minimum of workers available which can take longer to get through.

– Concessions are closed. Most restaurants and shops will still be closed in the early morning. If you’re lucky, maybe a newsstand or coffeeshop will be open. Make sure to drink your coffee on the way to the airport and pack a granola bar or some sort of breakfast to eat on the flight.

One thing to help with those early morning wake-ups:

A ParkSleepFly Package.  You’ll get to sleep-in later, and have your airport parking already sorted out. And since your trip will have already started, you don’t have to worry about early morning packing. It’s already done!

Here’s how it works:  Drive to the airport the night before your flight and park at the hotel. Check into your room and get a full night’s sleep with a concierge wake-up call. There may even be coffee or breakfast down in the lobby to take on the way out (always check each hotel for specific amenities). Use the hotel’s quick shuttle ride to arrive at the airport on time. Your car will stay at the hotel parking lot until you’ve returned from your trip!

If you live close enough to the airport, where a hotel and parking package doesn’t make sense, at least there won’t be any traffic driving to the airport in the early morning.  In any case, an early morning flight is your best bet to arrive at your destinations on-time, without any delays.

In-Flight Must Haves

The airline industry, despite not changing much since its inception, has gotten relatively high-tech in the past few years. The progression of technology has made flying so much more entertaining and much less of a hassle. You’ll still being crammed into a sardine can 6,000 feet in the air, but at least you won’t be bored or miserable! If you want to make your next flight the best possible, check out our list of the top 7 in-flight must haves!


1.) Kindle Paperwhite – This nifty device should be in the pocket of all frequent travelers. It’s essentially a handheld boredom buster! It can hold an almost limitless amount of books, apps, downloaded movies, etc. It has an impressively long battery life so even if you’re flying over every time zone, you still won’t need a recharge. The adjustable back-lighting is perfect for overnight flights or long layovers in dingy airports. And the fact that it’s so inexpensive is just the icing on the cake!

2.) Mophie Juice Pack – Gone are the days of waiting for an open charging station at the airport to plug in your dying phone. The innovative mophie case takes phone care to a whole new level. Not only is this flexible case a veritable suit of armor for your phone, but it has a built in charger! Keep your phone fully juiced at all times during your travel and keep it safe from turbulence (or just clumsy hands) all in one fell swoop.

The Worst Hotel Guests of 2016

Earlier this year, travel giant Expedia released their “Hotel Etiquette Study.” This study measured, among other things, the particular aggravating behaviors that annoy fellow travelers. Take a look at the top 10 results from the study and follow our tips to ensure you aren’t the hotel guest everyone is complaining about on your next trip.


Photo by Professional Images / CC BY

How to Unplug while on Vacation

When daydreaming about an upcoming vacation, most people picture themselves with a martini in hand and their toes buried in the sand; they don’t picture themselves with their noses buried in their phone. But, unfortunately, in this day of cell phone addictions and workaholic mentalities, the latter is probably the more likely scenario. Our generation tends to fear missing out on things so much that we miss out on some of our most anticipated experiences. We check work emails and tweet about our experiences instead of living in the moment and scroll through Facebook instead of strolling through a new and exciting city.


Street Art Around the World

Street Art Around the World

Photo by Joey Zanotti / CC BY

Street art is a widely debated topic for many cities across the world. Some cities see it as graffiti and do their best to keep it to a minimum. But then there are the cities that embrace the local artistic community and become a hot spot for art-loving tourists. Talk to any art historian and they’ll say it’s imperative to visit some of the better known “street art” sections of a city if you’re looking for the best symbolic and cultural art. Art lovers from all walks of life will appreciate these fabulous 7 cities where you can immerse yourself in vivid landscapes, realistic portraits or hysterical self-expression.