4 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

No one likes to think about it — you’re finally enjoying your vacation, but suddenly sickness strikes. Couple that with being in a foreign place, and your trip could turn stressful fast.

Don’t panic! Illness doesn’t have to ruin a great time. Here are some tips for staying healthy while traveling.

5 Common Travel Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Travel calamities happen. Your flight is delayed or canceled. A cranky ticketing agent ruins your day. Your bags stay in New Hampshire while your plane goes to New York. Many travel issues are out of your control, but there are several common travel mistakes that you can prevent or avoid…if you know what to do.

10 Phrases Every Traveler Should Know

Trying to learn a language for a trip abroad? Are those audio books stressing you out more than helping? Learning a language can be overwhelming, especially if your trip is approaching fast. While some have the option to fully learn another language before an upcoming trip, it’s not practical for all travelers.

If you find yourself in the latter camp, equip yourself with these 10 key phrases every traveler should know — you might not end up blending in with the natives, but you’ll certainly get on their good side!

Save Big When Booking Your Next Flight

Are your fingers cramping up after hours of surfing the Internet for the perfect flight? Are you getting lost in a sea of quotes while trying to find the best airline deal? Well, shopping for the best flight doesn’t have to be a jumbled, stressful mess. A ton of sites promise the best deals, but we’ve come up with some ways to help you save big when booking your next flight.

Do More & Spend Less While Traveling

You’ve just reached your destination. Adrenaline is high, you’re excited, and naturally, you want to take in everything that your new vacation spot has to offer.

Of course, while exploring all the sights and sounds of a new locale can be a blast, enjoying all those popular attractions could cost you. Between flights and lodging, you’ve already spent a pretty penny. So you’re going to want to enjoy your new surroundings without further breaking the bank.

Here are some ways to save some dough while still enjoying everything your new destination has to offer.