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Travel Trends of 2016

Trends are certainly nothing new in the fashion industry or the technology sector, but I bet you didn’t know they extend to the travel industry, as well. Travel itself is pretty trendy, so make it even more on point by following these 5 travel trends of 2016.


1.) Bleisure Travel (Business + Leisure)
Business Travel

Take advantage of your business trips, Photo by mxmstryo / CC BY

With more corporations putting emphasis on healthy work-life balances, business trips have become quite more exciting. It’s a mini vacation on your employer’s dime, so it’s really no wonder this is a trend right now! Many companies now allow families to join employees for trips over long weekends and give employees the flexibility to roam. Thanks to modern-day technology and our ability to be constantly connected, workers spend less time chained to desks and conference centers and more time exploring new destinations.

11 Ways to Travel on a Tight Budget

The number one reason people usually refrain from traveling is based on financial reasons. Traveling can be expensive, but there are always ways to get around it (just don’t expect to be staying in any five star hotels). Don’t let money and five star hotels get in the way of you exploring the world. Here are ways to travel (short-term and long- term) while you are on a budget!



5 Interesting Things I Can’t Travel Without

There are always some essential items everyone takes with them when they leave home, even if only for a few hours, such as cell phone, keys, and wallet/purse. When traveling and away from home for a longer period of time, the number of essential items can start to get a little interesting.

Save Big When Booking Your Next Flight

Are your fingers cramping up after hours of surfing the Internet for the perfect flight? Are you getting lost in a sea of quotes while trying to find the best airline deal? Well, shopping for the best flight doesn’t have to be a jumbled, stressful mess. A ton of sites promise the best deals, but we’ve come up with some ways to help you save big when booking your next flight.

Hottest Holiday Destinations for 2013

Hottest Holiday Destinations for 2013

In today’s hectic and stress-filled world, everyone needs a little break from time to time. If you want to plan a relaxing and fun vacation this holiday season, there are many fantastic destinations for you to choose among. From exotic to traditional, the following locations are some of today’s hottest holiday destinations for 2013.