Traveling in Luxury the Relaxing and Pleasant Way

How do you feel the night before a morning flight with your children?  Most parents feel nervous, anxious, stressed.  They know the next morning is going to be a big challenge.  You need to get the children woke up, showered, dressed, fed, and in the car before they want.  Along with getting them ready you must find time to prepare you, too.

Then once everyone is ready you put the suitcases in the car, load everyone in, and take off for the airport.  You arrive at the airport and need to park far from the gate with all of your luggage and children, which begins the next challenge.

Now you must transfer the luggage to a shuttle, move the children, and ride to the gate.  As you know the challenges are non-stop from here on.  There is a better way to handle these mornings, a method which is relaxing, pleasant, and filled with a little luxury for you.
When you plan ahead you can use a parking and hotel bundle to simplify your morning.  Drive to an airport hotel the night before your flight with all your luggage ready to go.  Check in and let the kids have some fun playing in the swimming pool.  They will get tired and sleep quietly.  In the morning you can all enjoy a breakfast in the Hotel restaurant or dining area.  Now comes the fun part of your morning.

Grab your bags and jump in the shuttle at the hotel.  Yes, your car is already parked for your trip.  You do not need to battle the traffic at the airport.  You do not need to double transfer your luggage.  You will be dropped off right at your airlines entrance and can check-in quickly.  Before your children have even realized what is happening you will be sitting at the gate ready to board your flight.  You have just spent a quiet night in a luxury hotel, had a great supper and breakfast, and arrived at the airport stress-free and rested.
You will probably never want to travel the old way again.  Using a parking and hotel bundle makes your trips more enjoyable and fun.

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