The Hidden Cost of Early Morning Flights

Do you usually schedule early morning flights because they are cheaper and offer you the chance to get your business done the same day?  There is hidden cost we often overlook when scheduling these flights.  The cost is in our own performance.

How well do you sleep before one of your early morning flights?  You may try to go to bed early, but then you lay awake watching the clock.  You worry about getting to the airport on time.  You need to get up very early just to get around and make it across town to the airport.

There is a better way to deal with your early morning flights.  A method which gets rid of the stress, lets you sleep easily, and takes care of the challenges of parking at the same time.  The best way to plan for these early flights is to spend the night near the airport.  There are great locations which allow you to stay within moments of the airport at very reasonable prices.

Instead of worrying about leaving home at 1AM to make it across town, find parking, and get to the gate for a 6AM departure, you rest until 3:30 or 4:00AM.  You are just moments from the gate and your car is already parked.  It is not just the extra couple of hours sleep; it is the reduction in stress, too.  You are not starting your day off tense, rushed, and stressed.  You are heading to the airport ready for the flight and the day ahead.

The real hidden cost to early morning flights can often be found later in the day.  You arrive at your destination exhausted.  The important meeting is not easy because you are tired.  You are not performing at peak.  The small cost of staying near the airport and feeling rested and ready for the day is repaid by having more successful meetings.  Can you really afford to risk not being at 100% for your business meetings?    Early morning flight always provide the best value, but you must plan ahead to make sure you do not allow them to destroy your energy, confidence, and success.

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