Nevada Posts

Happy 4th of July!

photo credit: Randy Le’Moine Photography via photopin cc

It is as American as apple pie and baseball to watch fireworks bursting into the air on July 4, and there are festivities scheduled that holiday in what seems like every city and town in the country. However, there are five cities that stand out.

Great July 4th Holiday Travel Destinations – Happy Birthday U.S.A!

July 4th holiday travel plans?  Historically, the July 4th holiday is the start date of the summer vacation rush.  Time to visit National Parks, go see the biggest ball of twine, and dream of long, lazy summer days and cool summer nights.

I’m taking some inspiration directly from the history books. Since the United States will celebrate its 236th birthday, what better way to party but in some of the most historic places in the United States?

Boston, Massachusetts, where the American Revolution embers were lit was the site of the Boston Tea Party, the midnight ride of Paul Revere, and Bunker Hill.  There are a ton of things to do in Boston from museums, to monuments, to the Freedom Trail – a 2.5 mile brick lined route through 16 significant historical Boston sites.  After a day of site-seeing, head on over to the 30th annual Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular.  There’s no better way to celebrate the nation’s birthday than where it all began, viewing fireworks and listening to the 1812 Overture as played by the Boston Pops.

Washington D.C.  This would be a spectacular place to go and celebrate the United State’s birthday.  Tour all the landmarks, visit the White House, and feel the energy that emits from the excitement of Washington alone.  While there, attend the ultimate July 4th parade, the National Independence Day Parade.  There really is no better place to celebrate our nation’s independence than our capital.

If traveling to to the east coast isn’t in your plans, how about a trip to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. With four of the country’s most revered presidents as a backdrop to a spectacular fireworks display, you can bet a sense of pride will fill your chest.

In the mood for a foot-stomping, dancing, roaring good time for the 4th?  Look no further than New Orleans, LA. They know how to throw a party here, and and the July 4th celebration is just as elaborate as Mardi Gras.  The main event during  July 4th is the Dueling Barges Fireworks Extravaganza.  Tugboats and barges battle it out for the best fireworks show in the Delta.

Miami, Florida kicks off its July 4th celebrating with a swearing in ceremony for the country’s newest naturalized citizens.  Music, great food, and fun fill the streets of Miami and the surrounding area until dark when the fireworks begin.

Las Vegas, Nevada was recently poled as one of the cheapest vacation destinations.  With a ton of July 4th parties, and shows, you won’t miss the fireworks.  However, if you really want to catch some amazing pyrotechnics The Five Station Casinos’ properties will host the July 4th fireworks show.

Once you have decided where you might want to travel for July 4th, then comes the planning. can assist you with planning your accommodations on both ends of your trip.  If you have an early morning flight, stay the night before at an airport hotel.  You will get a great night’s sleep, parking for your vehicle and a shuttle ride to your departure terminal.  All for one low price.  In fact, the cost of the park sleep and fly package alone may be less than parking at the airport!

We also have airport hotels at your destination, as well.  you get a great room at  a great price.  You even get shuttle service from the airport.  If you are meeting family, what a better way NOT to sleep on that lumpy couch in the den.  Book your hotel room and just smile and politely decline the offer of sleeping in the tent out in the backyard.

Family Day – Spring Break – Travel Ideas and Beyond!

Wow, it seems like the holidays just ended and now Family Day and Spring Break are upon us. Time to make some plans in a hurry. Even though Canadian winters can be a long, time passes by quickly and before you know it is time to take a break.

There are just so many options but so little time. Need some inspiration? A recent survey show that sounded top destinations Canadians love to travel to are:  New York City, New York, Orlando, Florida, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Who doesn’t want to escape the snow and cold to warmer climates?  The vitamin D supply is running low, so why not go and soak up some naturally in sunny Florida or Arizona?  Dipping your toes in the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico is enough to cure some of those winter blahs.  After all, Family Day is about getting together, reconnecting, enjoying each other’s company – time away is a perfect solution.

I remember old family vacations. My mother was a school teacher and my dad had a knack of trying to teach us historical facts, that may or may not have been true.  However, it was more about being together for a few days and enjoying the time together.

So, if you are planning that special Family Day vacation or Spring Break, enjoy every minute and don’t get started off on the wrong foot with your family.  If you are making that trip across the U.S.-Canadian Border to the Detroit Airport, you already know what a hassle that can be.  The wait to cross the border alone can be over an hour.

No one, and I mean no one, wants to ride in a car with cranky kids in backseat asking how long  before you go through the border.  Then, you need to drive on over to DTW, find a parking space, wait for the shuttle, go through security again, then… wait for the flight.  And, you are doing this on a couple hours sleep.

Instead, why not book a park, sleep, and fly package at a hotel near the Detroit International Airport.  You stay the night before, after, or both.  Included in the package is a night’s lodging, parking for the duration of your trip and a ride to and from the airport terminal on the hotel’s shuttle.  All this for one low price.

Check out our website at    We offer several hotels that service DTW.  The rates are reasonable and you can leave for your Family Day vacation or Spring Break rested and relaxed, even if the kids are keyed up.  Start your trip off right and stay the night before your flight!