Valentine’s Day Gift Idea? How about a Get-A-Way?

How many of us  remember making our “Valentine’s Day mailboxes” that were pressed to our school desk and filling out all our little Valentines to our classmates.  Maybe you had a special one for that one person you ignored during recess because you have a crush?  Art class was filled with red, pink and white papers, paste, glitter and those rounded tipped scissors.  Somehow, out of that glittered mess came a special Valentine’s Day card for your mom, grandma, and your dog.    The room mothers and/or teacher had cookies or the ultimate Valentine’s Day cupcakes, along with red heart-shaped suckers and candy hearts that say “I love you,” “XOXO” and “Be Mine.”  Ahh, the memories when everything was innocent and sweet and simple.

Fast forward two, three, four, or more decades and you would love to get that innocent feel back for Valentine’s Day. No more of those old Valentine’s Day gifts of cardboard candies and wilted flowers.  You want to make some nice, Valentine’s Day memories.  How about a long romantic weekend.  Hop on a plane and you’re off on a mid-winter adventure.

If you want to take a long weekend, what would be better that to take a quick jaunt to a place where neither of you have been?  I did a little research on the Most Romantic Cities in the United States.  There are several on this list I would love to go to for a nice, romantic get-a-way with my sweetie.

Honolulu tops the list as the most romantic city.  Who wouldn’t love to go to Hawaii for a few days; however, I prefer the entire island of Maui over Honolulu.  It’s great to go to a beach in the middle of the winter.  Hawaii certainly has many beaches, and this time of year whale watching is a great activity.

San Antonio is a great city to do a weekend.  Strolling along the River Walk  in the middle of the city is very romantic. With shops, restaurants, and a quiet boat ride along the river will kindle or re-kindle that spark into a nice flame.

If you are more of a “beautiful people” couple going to hot Miami could be the perfect place to get your passion boiling.  Those hot, humid Miami nights are just what the love doctor ordered.
For those more adventurous Frommer’s lists world’s most romantic cities to fall in love.

Paris, France, is number one on the list, of course.  Need I say more?  The subject of all those great movies of the couples falling in love under the Eiffel Tower.  Even in the movie, Casablanca, Rick says to Ilsa “We’ll always have Paris.”  C’mon, even guys know that movie.

Florence, Italy.  Take your love along the cobblestone streets.  Whisper in her ear, “Ti penso sempre.” I guarantee she’ll be your Valentine, then.

Let’s go to where the dance of love, the Tango, originated. Go learn the Tango where it originated in Buenos Aires.   Some Tango lessons may be a good Valentine’s Day gift idea, as well!

What are your plans for a romantic get-a-way?  Wherever you decide to travel either for a long or short trip, start your vacation off by staying overnight at a hotel.  The package includes a night’s stay, parking, shuttle service to and from the hotel – all for one low price. Go through the security line actually speaking to your Valentine instead of snipping at each other due to the lack of sleep or stress from almost missing your flight.  Everyone loves a lover, they say.  Even if you are single this year, no need to hum “Love Stinks.”  Be your own Valentine and take yourself on a trip.  You never know, you may meet your Valentine!

What’s On Your Top Travel Destination Bucket List?

I don’t know about you, but a brand spankin’ new year always finds me refreshed and ready for new adventures.  With that, my thoughts do go toward where I might wish to travel.  I have a few places on my “bucket list.”

About three years ago, I went on a business trip to India.  I must admit, it was not MY idea to go.  However, to be picked up and completely dropped off in a new country, culture, and with only one other person with you there’s not much you can do but hang on for dear life.

Our hosts were quite gracious.  They took us to places that normal American tourists would not have access to.  We went to a Hindi engagement, which would rival most weddings I have been to in the past.  Several monuments around the city, idols, and to Karla Caves, which alone was almost worth the trip to India.  I had only experienced places like Karla Caves through history books, but to actually see, touch and experience something that took hundreds of years to complete was truly humbling.  Along with the Indian way of life, the experience certainly was once of a life time.

This experience also made me realize that I wanted to travel more and have other world-traveler experiences.  I’ve started a “bucket list” and currently am researching new adventures.  I did a search on 2012 top travel destinations to see what to put on my bucket list.  I received quite a few ideas from Frommer’s.   (Click for slideshow).

With destinations from Japan, to China, and Spain, to England to the United States, there’s is a destination for everyone.  I was excited to see that Moab, Utah was among the top destinations.  The Delicate Arch near Moab can make you feel both empowered and humbled in the same moment.  This location alone is worth a second or third bucket list trip.  Along with Monument Valley and other natural formations, including the Grand Canyon, the Southwest is a “must see” for anyone living in the United States.  Do yourself a favor and get a local guide to take you through the formations for an extra special visit that you won’t forget.

I’ve taken several trips to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina, and there’s always a new adventure awaiting no matter how many times you may travel there.  There’s a relaxed feel of the residents, great food, great music and wonderful scenery.  Okay, I have been to all the locations listed in the United States, and would definitely keep them on the bucket list again for various reasons.

I would love to go spend time in Nova Scotia and visit the Bay of Fundy.  Who doesn’t love a picturesque lighthouse? However, I believe I will start putting my extra change in my piggy bank for a trip to Istabul, Turkey or even Tromso, Norway.  But, Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia looks quite inviting as I sit in the middle of a cold snap of winter.

It’s hard for me to pick one of these top destinations to go to this year.  I need to win the lottery so I can go to all the locations!  One thing for certain, I’ll start my trip off with a hotel parking package.  I can stay the night before and after my trip in a nice hotel and leave my car for the duration.  All with one low price.

What travel destinations are on your bucket list?

Trying to Avoid Those Extra Airline Fees? Good Luck.

Now that the 2011 travel year is winding down, articles abound across the Internet regarding 2012 travel predictions and future airline fees. Unpredictable fees,  along with American Airlines‘ bankruptcy, may make it more difficult for some travelers to find a convenient flight, and/or one that is in their price range. In an article by Brett Snyder, author of The Cranky Flier blog,  next year’s airline fares are unpredictable. The fares will be driven by fuel prices and passenger demand. In his article “What will 2012 bring in air travel?” Snyder states demand for air travel has been strong. Therefore, airline rates will continue to rise. However, if demand starts to waiver, the airfares may drop in price.

American Airlines will reduce services in some markets as part of its restructuring.  Southwest will no longer service many AirTran markets since the airlines’ merger is proceeding.  All this will lead to fuller and fewer flights for passengers.  Also, if fuel prices spike, airlines will raise their fares and cut back on flights.

Don’t expect those extra fees to go away anytime soon.  As we all know airlines have started to nickel and dime travelers with new fees.  The airline that seems to have this down to a science is Spirit Airlines. In reviewing Spirit’s baggage fee page, it appears the only thing they do not charge extra for is an infant sitting in a passenger’s lap.  Carry-on luggage (currently free on other airlines) is an additional charge from $20-$30 per bag.   Since I just witnessed a lady who unpacked half of her carry on bag just to get it in the overhead compartment, I wonder what she would have done if she still had to pay a fee for her bag.

Spirit Airlines is well known for offering $9 airfares, but then tacked on additional fees for checked and carry-on luggage, advanced seat selection, and a passenger user fee which can be up to $17 each way for tickets booked online. All these fees are “optional” since technically a passenger does not need them to travel on a plane.  The passenger doesn’t need luggage, nor advanced seat selection, and they could drive to the airport and purchase the ticket at the counter.  As history reflects with airlines, if one airline can charge an additional rate the others are sure to follow its example.

One theory among travel experts is that more airlines will start ” bundling.”  Passengers will have options to choose from to fit their budget or travel demands.  Frontier Airlines is already offering bundles.  Good, or bad, this seems to be the new way that airlines will be able to dig deeper into travelers’ pockets.

How many of us have been intrigued by the insanely low advertised airfare – UNTIL we read the fine print.  Good news, starting January 24, 2012, the Transportation Department will enforce a rule that any advertised air travel price must include all the government taxes and fees.  Previously, the Transportation Department allowed the government-imposed fees listed separately on advertised fares.  This resulted in that dreaded fine print disclaimer which could add 20 percent to a ticket price.  However, keep in mind that this fare would not include any additional extra fees, such as baggage fees since these are optional.

However, the some airlines are not on board with this new rule and have filed suit against it stating that “that it violates their commercial free speech rights.”  The rule was part of a about a dozen passenger protections proposed by the DOT in 2010.  We all will have to wait to see if this rule is upheld through the courts.

One way to avoid extra fees is to use  You receive a night’s stay at a hotel, parking for the duration of your trip, and a shuttle ride to and from the airport.  All at one low price.  The park sleep and fly package is often cheaper than parking at the airport alone, plus you get a great night’s sleep prior to your trip. has hotel partners at major airports and a lot of regional airports, too.  Stay the night before, after or both and you’ll be glad you booked this total parking package.  Look, you are going to have to pay for your snacks on the plane, and maybe a beverage.  Don’t be overloaded with all those extra fees.  Book your hotel and parking package now for a great rate, which also includes the shuttle service.  Stay the night before your flight, and save your money for that extra bag of trail mix you’ll want for your flight.

Tips To Make It Through That Long Flight

We have all had those long, tiring flights that we thought would never end.  Once, I flew from JFK to Mumbai India and I thought the flight would never end.  My experience in India was awesome, but the airplane ride there was not.  Luckily, I have a few tips to share with you to help make your airplane ride easier.

Noise canceling headphones – I never travel on a plane without these.  I bought a pair before my trip to India, and they were a life-saver.  They block out the noise of the plane and you can listen to music, the in-flight video or simply nap.
Comfortable clothing – Another must.  Comfy clothing can make long, drawn out flights much easier to endure.  Your favorite sweater, sweatshirt, or blanket is great if you get cold on the flight.  Hunker down and maybe you can get a quick 40 winks while you wait for touch down.
A pillow or neck rest – Airlines are now charging for pillows and blankets, but you can beat the system by bringing your own.  You can even bring an inflatable neck rest, which saves space in your carry-on luggage.  You can use the pillow or neck rest to put in the small of your back if it begins to ache.  Remember, on those long flights stretch your legs to prevent blood clots.
Bottles of water – Experts say to drink a bottle of water for every three hours you are on the plane.
Read – I take a book or two with me.  I am a voracious reader and on long flights can read over a book. I like to take a books that can stretch my imagination. I get so enthralled in my book that time “flies” by quickly.
Bring your imagination – I tend to weave fantastic stories about my fellow travelers, where they are going, what they do, etc.

The best tip is to start your trip refreshed and not tired.  Try to get a good night’s sleep before.  Your patience will be longer, and perhaps the annoying things won’t set you off as soon.  If you have a long drive to the airport, stay the night before.  Use to select a great rate for a hotel room and parking package.  Park Sleep and Fly packages are at all major airports, and parking is always included in the package.  When calculating the cost, it is comparable to parking directly on the airport grounds.  Head out refreshed and ready to meet the challenges that all travelers face.  Don’t miss your flight, stay overnight!

These are just a few tips.  If you have some that make your flight more enjoyable, please let me know.  I’m always looking to squelch the boredom of flights!


Twas the Night Before Travel

Twas the night before travel and all through the house,

No one was resting as Mom ironed her blouse.

The luggage was placed at the end of the stairs

Everyone’s hustling to travel by air.


The children were jumping and diving on beds

With no thoughts of sleeping had entered  their heads.

With Mom in a tizzy and Dad as a grump,

He threw down the suitcases and they landed with a thump.


When out from the street there arose such a clatter

Dad sprang into action to see what was the matter.

Alas! It is true and he started to yell

The snowplows are scraping and all is not well!


The moon was shining on the new fallen snow

And Dad was screaming “At 2AM we must GO!”

Mom turned on a dime and she did exclaim

“What are you saying? Are you truly insane?”


To leave so early we will get no sleep!

The kids will be grouchy and much trouble they’ll reap.

I’m sure that the roads will be quite clear.

And by morning, you will feel much calmer, my dear.


But, the dad’s brain was thinking and was very quick.

He turned to the computer and to the mouse gave a click.

A good night’s sleep was required before they departed.

So they could all have some rest before the holiday trip started.


First airport, then dates, and when they would return

A click of the mouse and the choices were learned.

With many hotels it took only a minute

To make a selection for a hotel and stay in it.


Dad  yelled to Mom “Let’s hurry and pack.

I found a solution so no sleep we shall lack.”

So up the stairs the parents did race.

Grabbed all the kids and to the car they made haste.


The airport was about two hours away

Mom said “Honey, we will need Santa’s sleigh!”

The snow was falling, but Dad was not worried.

He knew that tomorrow he would not have to drive in the flurries.


Dad made a reservation through

They could get more sleep than if they stayed at home

And left quite early and be grumpy all day.

Instead they had a warm place to stay.


They checked into the hotel and made arrangements for the shuttle

And all went to bed quick, on the double.

They soon were all rested and ready to go.

And Dad got some nice sleep instead of driving in snow.


They could leave the car at the hotel and not worry

And pick it up later when they returned from their journey.

The shuttle would take them and bring them back

along with all their luggage that they had so carefully packed.


Dad was quite happy with the money he saved.

“The quality and value was something!” he raved.

The price was great and any worry was for naught.

It was cheaper than staying at the airport parking lot.


We hope you enjoyed our silly, little poem.

And wish you safe journeys wherever you roam.

We love all our customers and we are not shy

To wish y’all Merry Christmas ‘n Happy New Year from ParkSleepFly!