No Strikeouts for Baseball Celebrations. Visit to Knock One Outta the Park!

In the spring a young man’s fancy doesn’t necessarily turn to love – it turns to spring training and Opening Day of the Major League Baseball Season.  This year, the World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals will meet the Miami Marlins On April 4, 2o12.  Not only is it the first day of the season, but the Marlins will also christen their new baseball stadium, Marlins Park.  The stadium is state-of-the-art building with a retractable roof and natural grass turf.  What a great way to start a new season!  Recent history indicates that The Marlins have luck on their side since that last five out of six stadium christening games were won by the home team. Playing the World Series Champion Cards, the Marlins (72-90 last season) may need it. If you want to make history, travel to Miami and attend the opening day at the new stadium.

If you are more the parade/festival type, the Findlay Market Parade marches the Cincinnati Reds into their Opening Day on April 5th against The Miami Marlins.   There’s no other place to be in baseball than at a Reds’ Opening Day.  I doubt that there are few true Reds fans that have not been to at least one Opening Day, as its a staunch tradition celebrating 93 years.

This extravaganza all began in the late 1880s, when baseball teams promoted aggressively for attention and for fans. Parades were one way to garner that attention.  Over time, the Reds excelled and rose to the top as the King of Opening Day.  The team also has the rare honor of always opening its season at home, hence why that tradition has lasted so long.  Throughout the ups and downs of the team, there’s always been a parade and a lot of festivities prior to the first game of the season.  As Sparky Anderson, (Manager of the Reds at the time), said “It’s a holiday – a baseball holiday! Ain’t no other place in America got that!!”  

Also on April 5, Vin Scully will begin his 63rd year announcing the LA Dodgers baseball games when the Dodgers face the San Diego Padres.  Following the Dodgers from Brooklyn to LA in 1958, Scully boasts the longest, continual history of any broadcaster with one professional sports team.  Only Tommy Lasorda has been with the Dodgers longer! Talk about team loyalty! The Dodgers will face the Padres. And, who doesn’t enjoy listening to Scully announce each game? So, take a trip to San Diego and both watch and hear history through Vin Scully’s play by play.

On April 10, the Dodgers will face the Pittsburgh Pirates.  This will also mark the 50th anniversary of the Dodgers’ first game in Dodger Stadium.  So, in the course of 5 days you can take in a lot of Dodger history if you are a fan.  Make a trip of it.  Visit LA, take in the sites, and see some great baseball.

A truly big anniversary this year is when the Boston Red Sox celebrate Fenway Park’s centennial on April 20.  The team will face its arch rival, the Yankees.   It will be exactly 100 years to the day when Boston’s American League played the New York Highlanders for the very first game in the stadium.  The stadium was not yet complete when it hosted it’s first game.  However, the right field grandstand and the main grandstand around the infield structures were completed and still are use today.

The “Big Green Monster” (left field wall) was painted its traditional green in 1947.   The highest among current Major League Baseball Teams at 37’2″, the wall serves to not allow cheap home runs with line drives.  Batters can normally only get a double out of what would be a home run on other fields.  So, for a great step back in time head out to Boston for this once in a life time event.

The New York Mets and the Houston Astros will both celebrate 50 years of hard ball.  So, visiting either of these teams’ stadiums this year will be a real celebration.  Whether you live in your team’s town, or you have to travel to see the boys of summer, this year is full of celebration for America’s favorite pastime.

So, if you are going to travel, take your 7th inning stretch before you fly and check out our airport hotel partners on    You can choose to stay before your flight, or after you return, get airport parking for the duration of your trip, and receive transportation to and from your airport terminal.  You’ll arrive relaxed and refreshed at the stadium since you had a good night’s rest the night before.  Whether you are a die hard Red Sox fan, or you love the Cardinals, you can always find a great rate with ParkSleepFly.  And, do your best impression singing “Take Me out to the Ballgame” for me at your favorite ball park.  Oh, and I’ll take a hot dog and a box of popcorn, too!

Sleeping on a Plane. Too Much Air Traffic or Playing with Gremlins?

How many times have you said to yourself, or your travel partner, “I can sleep on the plane.”  Yea, right.  Admit it.  We all have done it, but who can sleep in a cramped, canned air, baby crying, bumpy catastrophe of a ride? I always assume that no matter how tired I am, I can get a few winks of sleep once the flight is airborne.

Now, I know why.  The video below shows 24 hours of airline travel across the world. No wonder no one can sleep on a plane.  Look how busy it is!  With all that light in the sky, no wonder I can’t sleep!

In all seriousness, I have had little success trying all the tricks to sleep on the plane.  Even on a 14 hour flight from JFK to Mumbai, India, I was awake during both flights even though we left late in the evening.

So, I did a little research to help not only me, but any of you who may have problems sleeping on a plane.  Travel experts say that not drinking caffeine or any alcohol for four hours prior to your flight will help in relaxing and catching a nap.  Sitting next to the window so you can lean against the wall is also a big tip.  Wearing noise canceling headphones (which I love), a sleep mask, taking a blanket and pillow, a neck pillow, and wearing comfortable clothes can help you arrive at the completely comfortable state to get some rest.  Ok, all those sound good to me until the guy in the seat in front of me pushes his seat all the way back and I feel trapped, and all the preparation to snooze is now on the wing of the plane with that gremlin from the Twilight Zone.  (Do you remember that episode?  I still expect to see a gremlin if I look out the window.)

But, have no fear.  There are many more tips to help you gain those lost hours of sleep.  Sit up toward the front of the plane.  It is more quite if you sit in front of the engines and there is less traffic for the rest rooms.  I have to agree with those tips, but they still don’t help me catnap.

I’ve given up on sleeping on a plane. I’d rather write, read, or watch a movie on my computer.  What I do is try to get a great night’s sleep before I fly by using a hotel near my airport.  Depending on my flights, I may choose to stay before, after, or on both ends of my trip.  I get a comfortable room at an airport hotel, parking for the duration of my trip and rides to and from the airport.  This really leaves me relaxed and ready to tackle a long flight with chatty seat neighbors, kids that stare at you for the entire flight, or just plugging in my noise-canceling headphones and reading for a while.  I’ll make the most of it, as my traveling partner is settling in for a nap.  Sigh…..

If you have any great tips for others to get some decent shut-eye on a flight, let me know.  I’m getting tired just thinking about it.

Family Day – Spring Break – Travel Ideas and Beyond!

Wow, it seems like the holidays just ended and now Family Day and Spring Break are upon us. Time to make some plans in a hurry. Even though Canadian winters can be a long, time passes by quickly and before you know it is time to take a break.

There are just so many options but so little time. Need some inspiration? A recent survey show that sounded top destinations Canadians love to travel to are:  New York City, New York, Orlando, Florida, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Who doesn’t want to escape the snow and cold to warmer climates?  The vitamin D supply is running low, so why not go and soak up some naturally in sunny Florida or Arizona?  Dipping your toes in the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico is enough to cure some of those winter blahs.  After all, Family Day is about getting together, reconnecting, enjoying each other’s company – time away is a perfect solution.

I remember old family vacations. My mother was a school teacher and my dad had a knack of trying to teach us historical facts, that may or may not have been true.  However, it was more about being together for a few days and enjoying the time together.

So, if you are planning that special Family Day vacation or Spring Break, enjoy every minute and don’t get started off on the wrong foot with your family.  If you are making that trip across the U.S.-Canadian Border to the Detroit Airport, you already know what a hassle that can be.  The wait to cross the border alone can be over an hour.

No one, and I mean no one, wants to ride in a car with cranky kids in backseat asking how long  before you go through the border.  Then, you need to drive on over to DTW, find a parking space, wait for the shuttle, go through security again, then… wait for the flight.  And, you are doing this on a couple hours sleep.

Instead, why not book a park, sleep, and fly package at a hotel near the Detroit International Airport.  You stay the night before, after, or both.  Included in the package is a night’s lodging, parking for the duration of your trip and a ride to and from the airport terminal on the hotel’s shuttle.  All this for one low price.

Check out our website at    We offer several hotels that service DTW.  The rates are reasonable and you can leave for your Family Day vacation or Spring Break rested and relaxed, even if the kids are keyed up.  Start your trip off right and stay the night before your flight!

Valentine’s Day Gift Idea? How about a Get-A-Way?

How many of us  remember making our “Valentine’s Day mailboxes” that were pressed to our school desk and filling out all our little Valentines to our classmates.  Maybe you had a special one for that one person you ignored during recess because you have a crush?  Art class was filled with red, pink and white papers, paste, glitter and those rounded tipped scissors.  Somehow, out of that glittered mess came a special Valentine’s Day card for your mom, grandma, and your dog.    The room mothers and/or teacher had cookies or the ultimate Valentine’s Day cupcakes, along with red heart-shaped suckers and candy hearts that say “I love you,” “XOXO” and “Be Mine.”  Ahh, the memories when everything was innocent and sweet and simple.

Fast forward two, three, four, or more decades and you would love to get that innocent feel back for Valentine’s Day. No more of those old Valentine’s Day gifts of cardboard candies and wilted flowers.  You want to make some nice, Valentine’s Day memories.  How about a long romantic weekend.  Hop on a plane and you’re off on a mid-winter adventure.

If you want to take a long weekend, what would be better that to take a quick jaunt to a place where neither of you have been?  I did a little research on the Most Romantic Cities in the United States.  There are several on this list I would love to go to for a nice, romantic get-a-way with my sweetie.

Honolulu tops the list as the most romantic city.  Who wouldn’t love to go to Hawaii for a few days; however, I prefer the entire island of Maui over Honolulu.  It’s great to go to a beach in the middle of the winter.  Hawaii certainly has many beaches, and this time of year whale watching is a great activity.

San Antonio is a great city to do a weekend.  Strolling along the River Walk  in the middle of the city is very romantic. With shops, restaurants, and a quiet boat ride along the river will kindle or re-kindle that spark into a nice flame.

If you are more of a “beautiful people” couple going to hot Miami could be the perfect place to get your passion boiling.  Those hot, humid Miami nights are just what the love doctor ordered.
For those more adventurous Frommer’s lists world’s most romantic cities to fall in love.

Paris, France, is number one on the list, of course.  Need I say more?  The subject of all those great movies of the couples falling in love under the Eiffel Tower.  Even in the movie, Casablanca, Rick says to Ilsa “We’ll always have Paris.”  C’mon, even guys know that movie.

Florence, Italy.  Take your love along the cobblestone streets.  Whisper in her ear, “Ti penso sempre.” I guarantee she’ll be your Valentine, then.

Let’s go to where the dance of love, the Tango, originated. Go learn the Tango where it originated in Buenos Aires.   Some Tango lessons may be a good Valentine’s Day gift idea, as well!

What are your plans for a romantic get-a-way?  Wherever you decide to travel either for a long or short trip, start your vacation off by staying overnight at a hotel.  The package includes a night’s stay, parking, shuttle service to and from the hotel – all for one low price. Go through the security line actually speaking to your Valentine instead of snipping at each other due to the lack of sleep or stress from almost missing your flight.  Everyone loves a lover, they say.  Even if you are single this year, no need to hum “Love Stinks.”  Be your own Valentine and take yourself on a trip.  You never know, you may meet your Valentine!

What’s On Your Top Travel Destination Bucket List?

I don’t know about you, but a brand spankin’ new year always finds me refreshed and ready for new adventures.  With that, my thoughts do go toward where I might wish to travel.  I have a few places on my “bucket list.”

About three years ago, I went on a business trip to India.  I must admit, it was not MY idea to go.  However, to be picked up and completely dropped off in a new country, culture, and with only one other person with you there’s not much you can do but hang on for dear life.

Our hosts were quite gracious.  They took us to places that normal American tourists would not have access to.  We went to a Hindi engagement, which would rival most weddings I have been to in the past.  Several monuments around the city, idols, and to Karla Caves, which alone was almost worth the trip to India.  I had only experienced places like Karla Caves through history books, but to actually see, touch and experience something that took hundreds of years to complete was truly humbling.  Along with the Indian way of life, the experience certainly was once of a life time.

This experience also made me realize that I wanted to travel more and have other world-traveler experiences.  I’ve started a “bucket list” and currently am researching new adventures.  I did a search on 2012 top travel destinations to see what to put on my bucket list.  I received quite a few ideas from Frommer’s.   (Click for slideshow).

With destinations from Japan, to China, and Spain, to England to the United States, there’s is a destination for everyone.  I was excited to see that Moab, Utah was among the top destinations.  The Delicate Arch near Moab can make you feel both empowered and humbled in the same moment.  This location alone is worth a second or third bucket list trip.  Along with Monument Valley and other natural formations, including the Grand Canyon, the Southwest is a “must see” for anyone living in the United States.  Do yourself a favor and get a local guide to take you through the formations for an extra special visit that you won’t forget.

I’ve taken several trips to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina, and there’s always a new adventure awaiting no matter how many times you may travel there.  There’s a relaxed feel of the residents, great food, great music and wonderful scenery.  Okay, I have been to all the locations listed in the United States, and would definitely keep them on the bucket list again for various reasons.

I would love to go spend time in Nova Scotia and visit the Bay of Fundy.  Who doesn’t love a picturesque lighthouse? However, I believe I will start putting my extra change in my piggy bank for a trip to Istabul, Turkey or even Tromso, Norway.  But, Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia looks quite inviting as I sit in the middle of a cold snap of winter.

It’s hard for me to pick one of these top destinations to go to this year.  I need to win the lottery so I can go to all the locations!  One thing for certain, I’ll start my trip off with a hotel parking package.  I can stay the night before and after my trip in a nice hotel and leave my car for the duration.  All with one low price.

What travel destinations are on your bucket list?