Discover Hidden Hotel Deals

The first thing on most people’s minds when booking a trip is saving wherever you can – that means finding the best deals on flights, car rentals and, of course, hotels. Chances are you’ve overpaid on a hotel stay before. But don’t fork over hard-earned dollars for a hotel room that you could get at a discounted price. Next time you’re shopping for hotel deals, keep some of these tips in mind and you’ll enjoy a fuller wallet on your next stay.

“Like” Them
If you are savvy with social media, consider following your favorite hotels on Twitter or Facebook so you can be notified about exclusive deals offered to their social media fans. Admit it — you’re already on Facebook a couple times a day anyway, so save some money in between glimpses through your News Feed.

Unique Discounts
Whether you’re a student or serving in the military, there are tons of special rates out there just for you. If you’re an AAA, USAA or AARP member, put that membership to good use and check hotel websites for special discounts that could save you a bundle.

Be a Member
If you already have a deep-rooted love for a specific hotel chain, you might want to consider joining their hotel rewards program. This is especially helpful for those who travel frequently, as you can redeem your loyalty points for a free stay (Who doesn’t love that?).

Make a Call
If you already know where you want to stay, put in a call to the hotel and ask for the manager. Often you can talk to the manager about their best deals and negotiate with them on a better price. Also, it doesn’t hurt to ask them to match the price of a competitor. Just remember to call the hotel number directly, not the company’s toll-free number, as you’re more likely to get the deal you want by going right to the source.

Stay on the Outskirts
While it might seem fun to be in the middle of all the action, it’ll cost you. If you can, book a hotel that’s not necessarily in the center of downtown — you’ll still be able to experience all the fun and excitement of a new city, but without the sky-high costs charged by centrally located hotels.

With these tips you can be rest assured that you will be getting the best deal on your next hotel stay. So kick back, relax and enjoy your stay.

And if you want to save money and avoid the airport rush before your trip, consider booking airport-area lodging and parking packages through ParkSleepFly.

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