Tips To Make It Through That Long Flight

We have all had those long, tiring flights that we thought would never end.  Once, I flew from JFK to Mumbai India and I thought the flight would never end.  My experience in India was awesome, but the airplane ride there was not.  Luckily, I have a few tips to share with you to help make your airplane ride easier.

Noise canceling headphones – I never travel on a plane without these.  I bought a pair before my trip to India, and they were a life-saver.  They block out the noise of the plane and you can listen to music, the in-flight video or simply nap.
Comfortable clothing – Another must.  Comfy clothing can make long, drawn out flights much easier to endure.  Your favorite sweater, sweatshirt, or blanket is great if you get cold on the flight.  Hunker down and maybe you can get a quick 40 winks while you wait for touch down.
A pillow or neck rest – Airlines are now charging for pillows and blankets, but you can beat the system by bringing your own.  You can even bring an inflatable neck rest, which saves space in your carry-on luggage.  You can use the pillow or neck rest to put in the small of your back if it begins to ache.  Remember, on those long flights stretch your legs to prevent blood clots.
Bottles of water – Experts say to drink a bottle of water for every three hours you are on the plane.
Read – I take a book or two with me.  I am a voracious reader and on long flights can read over a book. I like to take a books that can stretch my imagination. I get so enthralled in my book that time “flies” by quickly.
Bring your imagination – I tend to weave fantastic stories about my fellow travelers, where they are going, what they do, etc.

The best tip is to start your trip refreshed and not tired.  Try to get a good night’s sleep before.  Your patience will be longer, and perhaps the annoying things won’t set you off as soon.  If you have a long drive to the airport, stay the night before.  Use to select a great rate for a hotel room and parking package.  Park Sleep and Fly packages are at all major airports, and parking is always included in the package.  When calculating the cost, it is comparable to parking directly on the airport grounds.  Head out refreshed and ready to meet the challenges that all travelers face.  Don’t miss your flight, stay overnight!

These are just a few tips.  If you have some that make your flight more enjoyable, please let me know.  I’m always looking to squelch the boredom of flights!


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