Top Travel Tips from Our First #ParkSleepFly Twitter Chat

Last month we did our very first Twitter chat on the ParkSleepFly Twitter account! We were very happy to have Rick Griffin and Sandi McKenna of as our Twitter chat hosts.
The focus of the Twitter chat was on travel preparation, hacks and sharing some of our most entertaining air travel experiences. We wanted to share some of our very favorite responses with blog readers who weren’t in the chat.
We are gonna start off with this amazing tweet that landed right before we started the chat.
The first question of the chat: What is step #1 for you when it comes to travel preparation?
We love the idea of letting the trip unfold before you with still knowing you will get a destination you are excited to visit with this pick 3 destinations method. If you are super brave, you can go with the random bucket list picker like one of our Twitter chat attendees!
The second question of the Twitter chat was about using a product:
Sleeping at an airport hotel the night before a flight and how that benefited the travel experience.
Question three was a common but necessary one for our Twitter chat: What is your #1 air travel hack?
We also wanted to highlight the best budget saving hack for our travelers in the Twitter chat.
We loved all the responses but here is one of our favorites.
Varying dates when searching for flights can make all the difference in travel expenses.
For question five of the Twitter chat we wanted to attendees a chance to vent about worst travel experiences
We’ve all been there. But we especially love when an air travel inconvenience has a silver lining.
The sixth question was about showing some love to your favorite airline!
For number seven, we asked our attendees what their funniest air travel experiences were.
We received pure gold. There is something innately funny about how hectic air travel can be.
We wanted to hear about the very best hotel experiences from participants. Here is our favorite:
Also this one, because wow!
Question nine was about your airport arrival routine.
Everyone has their agenda whether it is going straight to their gate or the Hudson News stand. Here are our two favorites:
We asked our Twitter chat attendees to tell us about the sweetest thing they ever saw during an air travel experience.
We were blown away. Airports can also be a great place to see very sweet interactions between families, friends and even strangers.
Absolutely beautiful!
Keep an eye out for our next #ParkSleepFly Twitter Chat in June!