Twas the Night Before Travel

Twas the night before travel and all through the house,

No one was resting as Mom ironed her blouse.

The luggage was placed at the end of the stairs

Everyone’s hustling to travel by air.


The children were jumping and diving on beds

With no thoughts of sleeping had entered  their heads.

With Mom in a tizzy and Dad as a grump,

He threw down the suitcases and they landed with a thump.


When out from the street there arose such a clatter

Dad sprang into action to see what was the matter.

Alas! It is true and he started to yell

The snowplows are scraping and all is not well!


The moon was shining on the new fallen snow

And Dad was screaming “At 2AM we must GO!”

Mom turned on a dime and she did exclaim

“What are you saying? Are you truly insane?”


To leave so early we will get no sleep!

The kids will be grouchy and much trouble they’ll reap.

I’m sure that the roads will be quite clear.

And by morning, you will feel much calmer, my dear.


But, the dad’s brain was thinking and was very quick.

He turned to the computer and to the mouse gave a click.

A good night’s sleep was required before they departed.

So they could all have some rest before the holiday trip started.


First airport, then dates, and when they would return

A click of the mouse and the choices were learned.

With many hotels it took only a minute

To make a selection for a hotel and stay in it.


Dad  yelled to Mom “Let’s hurry and pack.

I found a solution so no sleep we shall lack.”

So up the stairs the parents did race.

Grabbed all the kids and to the car they made haste.


The airport was about two hours away

Mom said “Honey, we will need Santa’s sleigh!”

The snow was falling, but Dad was not worried.

He knew that tomorrow he would not have to drive in the flurries.


Dad made a reservation through

They could get more sleep than if they stayed at home

And left quite early and be grumpy all day.

Instead they had a warm place to stay.


They checked into the hotel and made arrangements for the shuttle

And all went to bed quick, on the double.

They soon were all rested and ready to go.

And Dad got some nice sleep instead of driving in snow.


They could leave the car at the hotel and not worry

And pick it up later when they returned from their journey.

The shuttle would take them and bring them back

along with all their luggage that they had so carefully packed.


Dad was quite happy with the money he saved.

“The quality and value was something!” he raved.

The price was great and any worry was for naught.

It was cheaper than staying at the airport parking lot.


We hope you enjoyed our silly, little poem.

And wish you safe journeys wherever you roam.

We love all our customers and we are not shy

To wish y’all Merry Christmas ‘n Happy New Year from ParkSleepFly!






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